Mystifying, Unclear, Confusing This is our community topic category for topics which are "mystifying" because the person asking a question does not provide complete , sufficient, clear or adequate information for reasonably skilled technical people to assist solving the problem, without resorting to guessing. Marketplace About commercial unix and linux related stuff: jobs or paid gigs, scripts, coding, sys admin, etc. All soliciting must be in this public category, private solicitations are not permitted here. High Performance Computing Message Passing Interface (MPI) programming and tuning, MPI library installation and management, parallel administration tools, cluster monitoring, cluster optimization, and more HPC topics. Puzzles A puzzle is a game, problem, or toy that tests a person's ingenuity or knowledge. In a puzzle, the solver is expected to put pieces together in a logical way, in order to arrive at the correct or fun solution of the puzzle. There are different genres of puzzles, such as crossword puzzles, word-search puzzles, number puzzles, relational puzzles, and logic puzzles. Homework & Coursework Questions Students must use and complete the template provided. If you do not use the template your post may be deleted! Special homework rules apply here. Proxy Server Proxy server applications and topics Legacy Topic directly related to legacy vB forum in this category. Google Chrome OS Coming soon! Google Chrome Operating System. It’s free! Docker Docker is a platform for sysadmins and developers to develop, deploy and run applications with containers. TODO TODO List War Stories Tell your work related tech stories and share experiences here. Share your successes and failures and other “war stories” in this forum. Boot Loaders Discuss GRUB, BURG, UEFI, GPT, Mac EFI, GRUB2 and other topics about boot loaders. Videos Post a tech video review or tutorial and discuss. Android Brand new forum for folks interesting in Linux and Java-based Android OS and multi-platform mobile computing in general. Uncategorized Open Source Open source oftware (OSS) is computer software with source code available with a license. The OSS copyright holder provides anyone the rights to read, modify, and distribute the software for any purpose. Ping This category is pulled by node-red for forum up / down status. Microsoft Windows All Windows and DOS questions should go here as well. Discuss UNIX to Windows (Desktop or Server) here! Virtualization and Cloud Computing Docker, Vangrent, AWS, Xen, VMWare, hypervisors, Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud, EC2, virtual storage, Amazon S3 and other VM and "Cloud" computing topics.