Cygwin on Windows: vi

How can I change the cursor appearance in vi, e.g. highlighting the cursor position? Is there an environment variable? Standard is the vertical bar, difficult to spot the actual position.


The appearance of your cursor is a function of your terminal window, and not the application running within it (generally speaking for normal applications at least). I've not used Cygwin for a while now, but if I remember rightly, it essentially uses a normal Command Prompt window to run the Cygwin library and shell inside. So if you click on the control menu (the menu with the Cygwin icon at the very top-left-corner of the window) and choose Properties, you should be able to customise the cursor appearance, and any other aspects of the appearance of the Cygwin window that you want to change.


Thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for. Your memory was right. I did not realize that vi uses the same cursor appearance as e.g. the shell.

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