I tested Google Gemini's Solaris knowledge. It's...not great


I've been playing about with Google's new Gemini for the last little while, just to see how it compares with ChatGPT et al. In the UK interestingly we can't use it to generate images yet, so we've missed out on being able to join in that whole imbroglio. However, my own personal experience so far has been that it seems to make more factual errors (or "hallucinations", if you prefer) than ChatGPT when asked some relatively straightforward questions.

I won't include the entire text of Gemini's responses in this post, but I'll include the most salient points of its replies and summarise the bits I skip.

One of the things I thought to try was to test its Solaris sysadmin knowledge. I thought I'd ask it something relatively obscure, yet factually straightforward. I went with:

For those who aren't too familiar with Solaris, this command is something of an "emergency stop", immediately shutting down the OS without doing a controlled shutdown of any kind, and (if you're running on Sun/Oracle hardware) dropping you down a level to the OpenBoot "ok" prompt.

It responded to my question with:

So initially, Gemini seemed to believe that uadmin was a su-equivalent, basically. I replied with:

It had a brief "think", then replied with:

So, now Gemini seems to think that "uadmin" is specifically for disabling and/or removing user accounts, which is still wrong. I went back to it with:

Here, we finally get a bit closer to the correct answer:

Here it gets it half-right: it does shut the OS down, but it seems to think that the OpenBoot "ok" prompt is equivalent to going down to single-user mode, which isn't correct.

So I gave it another chance to tweak its answer:

And now we get even closer still to a correct answer:

So, in the right ballpark, but still not quite right: to recap, "uadmin" acts an emergency killswitch, and does not initiate a controlled shutdown (and it has nothing to do with single-user mode itself, per se). There are Linux equivalents to this kind of instant poweroff, which Gemini still hadn't mentioned any of. I decided to ask it why:

Here it at least had an actual reasoned response as to why it hadn't mentioned any of these:

In summary then: I don't think we have to worry about Gemini putting us out of business just yet.

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By way of comparison, here's what ChatGPT 3.5 had to say when asked my initial "What would the closest Linux equivalent be to the Solaris command "uadmin 2 0" ?" question for the first time:

So a much stronger initial answer: ChatGPT at least grasps what "uadmin" does, in that it has something to do with shutting a system down and that there's probably a Linux equivalent to that, rather than thinking it's a user account management tool.

No, it grasps what others have written about "uadmin" command in its training set (i.e. in hundreds of GBs of text fed to it).

This is true.

None of these autocompletion engines like ChatGPT or Gemini "grasp" or "understands" or "seems to think" or "knowledge" ... anything.

There is a large language model (LLM) and a lot of code around the model to create the appearance of some type of conversational (artificial) intelligence. But behind it is an "autocompletion" engine which simply generates text (or images, blah blah). This is not "thinking" or "grasping" or "understanding" or "knowledge", it's simply "generating output".

A number of months ago I used ChatGPT to refactor some code, trying to save a client some money.

Now, I see bugs here-and-there, for example: missing variable definitions used later in the code, etc.

Also, the refactoring by ChatGPT was mostly rearranging code based on whatever coding pattern it was using at the time; so if you used ChatGPT to refactor code on Monday, a few days later (or even on the same day) the refactoring patterns were different.

There was no consistency.

ChatGPT just creates "a mess" and kind of "hit-or-miss" gobbledygook where it just generates a lot of "blah blah blah".... based on the reams of data in the model.

It's basically nonsense when applied to coding, code refactoring, etc.

Yes, autocompletion engines are useful; but the longer the autocompletion text, the more the text deviates from accuracy.

As for me, I was initially kinda hopeful that ChatGPT and generative AI would help coding; and sometimes it is useful to send it a code block and ask to check for errors, etc.

But there is close-to-zero chance than any of these generative AI apps will replace engineers and software developers. In fact, I consider these tools dangerous and soon organizations will be calling in skilled humans to try to figure out what-the-fuuk ChatCPT has coded and fix all the bugs from gen-ai.

Currently AI is like a little child parroting what it hears.
Give it some time to grow up!

That is insulting to both children and parrots, hahaha.

Both children and parrots are eucaryotes where every cell (except for red blood cells) enjoy a symbiotic relationship with their ancestral mitochondria. Without mitochondria, there would be no children or parrots.

When a parrot learns to repeat phrases, the learning process, like for a child, is biological and biochemical. For parrots, when they are taught to repeat a sound, they do it for a reward from their teachers and that reward stimulates the secretion of hormones derived primarily from proteins; all of which require ATP produced by mitochondria.

Hence, biological organisms are complex biosystems and learning to "parrot" requires a lot more complexity than creating a generative AI based on a large language model.

Generative AI does not "parrot". Generative AI generates text based on training an artificial neural network to generate output based on input. What you see with ChatGPT (speaking of text) is just a more sophisticated version of the (mostly annoying) text-autocompletion engine you see when typing on a keyboard.

Yes, if you write fiction, generating a lot of text which has little basis in reality, GAI is great.

However, generating facts and knowledge requires a lot more than generative AI; because the LLMs are based on information which can be conflicting (at best) or down-right wrong.

So, the scientists who creat GAI work on rules which make the auto-generated text (or images) more politically and socially acceptable; which creates a significant amount of bias. Each culture, political and social group requires a different set of biases, and so generative AI is much less like a parrot, and more like a propaganda generating machine based on the biases of who created the system.

Children are mostly innocent. Parrots are generally innocent. Generative AI is not innocent. GAI is seriously biased based on whatever the "owner" of the GAI system wishes it to be and their target users.

There is nothing "intelligent" about generative-AI. GAI is mostly a large language model with a lot of wrappers to make sure the generated output does not offend users, so the GAI companies can profit from those same users returning output which pleases their target audience(s).

Parrots and children are infinitely more intelligent that generative AI. Please do not insult them putting them on the same level as an LLM based ANN algorithm wrapped in rules and controls, LOL
