While Connecting to Google networking. Error = Unusual traffic from your computer network.


I am working in office, where, more than 60 clients machines (only 16 machines are on windows) are there and one server Centos Server, I have configured clients with server, so that internet will be used form only one IP. Only 1 ip is assigned, but now a days, my client machines are facing problems while searching On Searching on Google.

Every time, i get a error with captcha "Unusual traffic from your computer network"
I have filled this form, which given by Google on support.google.com:-

But no Support. As we are working on open source software, and most pc are working on linux.

Please help !! I am not understanding how to resolve this problem.

Thank you.

Sounds like some malicious software is making your IP address the source of enough nasties to start getting blacklisted. I'd be analysing outgoing traffic to try and see if there is any illicit activity going on.

This type of message also happens when one or more hosts on network makes a call to a Google API without properly registering and using the required Google API key, improperly configures the API call, or other actions that Google considers a violation of their API terms and conditions.