Where is the Debian language translation repository?

Hello all,
I'm new to this community, so I don't know if this is appropriate.

I noticed a typo on my local language support configuration, but I don't seem to find the exact repository where I can push a fix.

The closest pages I found with the typo:

But, I want to know exactly where my Linux fetches these language formats.

PS: I'm using Ubuntu


Welcome to the forum ! We hope you find this to be a friendly and helpful place, and that you enjoy your time here.

Now, this is one of those questions that you might think has a simple answer - and in a way it does, but probably not in the way you were expecting. Ultimately, there is a file somewhere on your system that does define how all of this information (days of the week, month names, number formats, and so on) should be handled for the Kinyarwanda Rwanda locale. But fixing this, if there is indeed a problem with it, is not going to be as simple as just changing that file - or not if you want a permanent fix, anyway.

On a Debian-style system (which Ubuntu is), locales - which is what these collections of internationalisation settings are known as - are provided by a package called locales. You can see the contents of this file by typing:

dpkg -L locales

at a shell prompt. And if you look through that output (or pipe it through a grep rw_RW), you'll see where the file for the Kinyarwanda Rwanda locale is. You could then look at that file in your text editor of choice, and change it however you like.

But, here's the catch. Since this file (which on your system is probably going to be /usr/share/i18n/locales/rw_RW) is ultimately provided by a system package, then the real fix here is to get the maintainers of this package to fix the problem. That would involve following the instructions here:

Report a problem in Ubuntu

This would enable you to report an issue with the locales package, which would mean that any problems with it could be corrected not just for yourself, but for any other users of the Rwanda locales in the future who may be experiencing the same problem.

Anyway, hope this helps ! If not, or if you have any further questions, please do let us know and we can take things from there.