What's your drink?

Since Neo has a thread going on what everyone likes to eat, I thought I'd start one on what everyone likes to drink on an evening out.

Post details for your choice if you can.

I go for beer - Beck's if I can get it. Foster's back in India.

If I am breaking any rules, please delete the thread.

Tea, sorry. :smiley:

Hello Blow,

Mine is water, can you please add water, milk, tea and coffee also for voting of some ppl like me....



I added in 'Other' for everything else. Anyone that clicks that can specify the exact choice in a post.

Note that this is for an evening out. You don't have to put in your daily cups of tea/coffee in here! :slight_smile:


Ahh :slight_smile: that's a nice poll :slight_smile: The topic for drinks has always been actual... I voted for whiskey, favorites are Irish ones : Jameson, Maker's Mark, Bushmills, although most of the time I can't find them in my country.

whisky it is.... single malt. it is an expensive hobby :frowning: i just orderd two bottles yesterday for 350 euro. but it's worth it :wink:

btw. my favorite cocktail is the "rusty nail"

The caffeine lift is gradual and lasts longer than coffee or pop.

I just go for coffee / tea / fresh juices. :b:

Apart from that these alcohols are not of my kind. :D:D ;):wink:

( Its a pain you know ! :frowning: )


I'd choose Whiskey in first placer because of the lack of hangover next morning; although it doesn't taste very well.
In second place I would consider Vodka with orange juice or tomato juice.
I have nothing against beer, but I think it's not a Friday's night drink. It would be a Sunday's afternoon drink :D:D

BTW. Thank God it's Friday

If I'm having good sushi out, I like a Kirin. But for just kicking back on a Friday night, I prefer a cold Grolsch. Speaking of which, I like this logo :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice survey.

However, please do not post new surveys without giving the existing survey a few days to run on the home page.

In other words, if you have a great idea for a poll, be patient so other surveys give folks a few days to respond, and then look at the traffic (to see how many recent responses and number of replies).


Sure thing Neo. Sorry for being a bit too hasty. :o


is Tea. :o

Dr. Pepper is what keeps me alive

Sweet tea!:b:

A banana smoothie ........ :smiley: any time of the day :slight_smile:

Sheesh! Call yourselves unix geeks!?! Where's the coffee?! :wink:

(For something stronger, I prefer cognac)..

Premium Scotch....(Whisky)

Anything that processed >12 years...WOW

fav brands are Johny walker (any label), royal salute

Wonderful thread!!!

Either Chinese Tea or a regular Penfolds Red.

But on special occassions I'd have a Penfolds Grange.
