What is Your Favorite Web Browser?

Although I use FF3 to post this, I am rather fond of Opera, although latest Opera 9.5 does break some scripts out there. One thing I like about Opera is its quick dial feature. It also seems to be less resource intensive compared with FF on all of the platforms I use (Windows/Linux).

I am part of FF 3.0.3 community but now my favorite browser is Chrome. Fastest and simple. I am the one who hit "Other" option.

I tried Chrome and uninstalled it after one day. I thought it was the worst browser I had ever used, like a giant step-backwards in browser development. "Simple" is not what I need in a broswer. I need "highly functional" "fun to use" "extensible" and "mature".

In fact, I was going to add Google Chrome as an option in the poll, but it was so bad, I thought we would get only one or two "novelty" votes and this was the only one.

In case anyone doesn't know yet, Opera has just released 9.60 (still fresh I think).

Just installed last night. Not much different from 9.5x I think, so if you do not like 9.5x, it is unlikely you will find 9.6 of interest either.

Mozilla Firefox 2 & safari

Before Firefox 3, Safari and Konqueror were my favorite. They had a smaller memory footprint and were a lot faster in rendering.
With Firefox 3, that changed and now I used Fx3 as my primary browser. Still I believe the future is WebKit and not Gecko, that's why every time I'm behind a Windows box I use Chrome.
The things that matter to me in a browser are rendering speed and standard compliance.
Opera is pretty good on the standard compliance part, but when it comes to rendering I find it slower than other browsers. Maybe not rendering, but overall I find Opera a bit sluggish.

If only Microsoft will IE to more standard compliance, IE8 is a step forward but still not there yet.

Well, I think you should have given it more of a chance. :wink:

Remember it is only the first public beta.

I'm very impressed with it, love the minimal interface and the speed. I think the layout makes a lot more sense with the address bar being on the tab (where it belongs, logically). Despite being minimal, it has nearly everything I need in a browser. I use it 99% of the time on my work PC, but have stuck with FF3 at home for some variety. I like the default home page with the automatically maintained thumbnails of my most recently visited sites. I like the way when you search a very long page it highlights the parts of the scrollbar where matches are found on the page. The inspector is interesting, as is the internal task/resource manager. I like being able to drag tabs off the tab bar to create a new window, and then back on to it again. I like being able to resize text entry fields like the one I'm typing in now. I like the way form fields glow when they are focussed, and the way status bars and 'find' dialogs occupy minimal space and go away when they're no longer needed.

The only things I miss are some little things, like right-clicking on a page or image and choosing properties does not display it's size in bytes (can't find that anywhere!). And sometimes when you hit the back button when browsing a web page with frames it doesn't go back within the frame, but back in the outer context... but I suspect that bug will be squashed soon enough.

Well, a "minimalist" browers is not my requirement.

As mentioned before, I like FF3 because of the add-ons, not because it is a minimalist, simple browser, LOL.

I use many FF3 add-ons, including FireBug, FireFTP, WebDeveloper, ... and more that make my browser a fully functional development tooll that can debug JavaScripts, PHP, HTTP and more. I can upload files to a remote server from a browser tab.

So, I understand if you don't need these tools and greatly respect your perspective, but I will not use Chrome, for me, it is a Volkswagon, when I need a Jaguar, in my browser :wink:

In other words, I used Chrome enough to know it is not for me :slight_smile:

Update: I moved the two "Other" votes for Chrome to "Chrome" ...... since we had two votes for GC .....

I was a FF user for a few years. Even in 3, however, I found it too slow. I switched to chrome. I wish chrome had a more flexible add-on system.

If Chrome had a flexible add-on system, it would be slow like FF3 :smiley:

You can't have everything in a system. A race car is a shell and is fast, a luxury mercedes is slower than a race car, but has warm seats and nice pillows :smiley:

FF3 is not designed to be a race car, it is designed to be FF3.

Hence, don't fully understand the comparison between the two. I don't user Chrome because I want a mercedes with nice ware cushy seats, a video player, a champagne bar and a nice girl on my arm singing and ......

(well, you get the idea ... )

I had used firefox but didnt find it really that interesting. May be i am unaware of a lot of functionalities and add ons... as far as tabbed browsing is concerned IE also provide the joy of it.. and it is most user friendly, thats what I feel. I voted for IE

All the plugins make Firefox a no-brainer for me. The free and excellent Adblock makes pages load faster and really cuts out the noise of the internet.

-- w3m --

Voted for firefox because of stability, performance, and those helpful little add-ons (bugzilla, fireshot, etc)

Opera has my vote. FF takes up waaay too much memory and CPU.
Besides, it looks as if Firefox is copying Opera's features with each new release. I wish Opera had good add-on's like Firefox does though...but I really can't bear FF's inefficiency.

i think its funny that no one voted for safari. i don't like safari much. firefox does the job for me

firefox is safer, it is not the target of so many hackers as Internet Explorer. I also like the tab browsing. If you want, you can set it up so when you close the browser, a window will show asking you if you want to erase everything for security reasons. In Internet Explorer you have to go to Internet Options and click of erase history and cookies. It is faster and more convenient in Firefox.

For another, the thousands of plugins for firefox, I dont think I could live without my plugins.

Im not going to install IE on HP-UX...

I remembered all of the viruses and quirks. So, cast my vote for Firefox. And, as it turns out, so did lots of others too!