what do most Unix guru's use ? :D

I wanted to know what email app most Sun solaris / unix gurus use ? I have become quite NON microsoft in the last few months in my studying solaris..


I am partial to pine. :slight_smile:

If I use X, then I will use Ximian Evolution.


I realize your question is about what client to use, but the server is also fundamentally intertwined with your choice. Hence the following tale of victory (or woe, depending on your point of view :smiley: ).

Until a few months ago, I was using the nmh suite, but when I had to solve an email problem for my wife, I wound up installing an IMAP server (cyrus) on a Pentium box built out of spare parts. I decided that using the server for my own mail was a good idea as well, so I can now run mutt from a console or from an xterm/rxvt/whatever. I can even check my mail from either of our windows boxes in Netscape/Mozilla, or I can start a Windows telnet session and run it on the Unix box. :cool:

I haven't tried it, but I think I could even look at my IMAP email using Outlook Express on a Windows machine, but why would I want to?:smiley:

until recently IMAP windows clients have been, well, lacking...

I use ELM...... and for web-based mail, SquirrelMail..... Neo

I use pine for text (xmail also when i just want to simply read mail, such as logwatches and what-not), and for graphical, I use basically any webmail service. Squirrelmail is good though, must say its one of the best webmail apps out there. I'm not always @ home when I check my email though (at clients, etc), so I prefer webmail, as anything with a browser can pretty much check it.

elm/dtmail for reading. Sendmail never let's you down.

It might be time to change your login name now, you said you got wyser since your met Solaris (Unix).

Regs David