What are Your Favorite Chips? Mine are Doritos Nacho Cheesier!

By far, Doritos Nacho Cheesier are the best tasting chips, well at least too me.

Have you tried them?

What are your favorite chips?

I am split between Pringles Sour Cream and onion and Walkers Smoked Bacon :slight_smile:


My wife and I are on a custom nutrition plan our Personal Trainer wrote up for us. That means we can't have any real chips due to the rules of lowfat, organic, no artificial ingredients, etc. Of the stuff we can have probably my favorite are Smokehouse flavor Nut Thins by Blue Diamond. We buy them at the whole foods store, but my wife's relatives liked them and found them at some grocery stores too. They are made with almonds and rice flour instead of wheat so more nutritious, only 3 grams of fat in a pretty big serving, and have no chemicals or other bad stuff for you. They aren't nearly as good as Doritos, but will do the job if you are looking for something very healthy.

I love ruffles and doritos too.

Chile and Lime Frito's. Terrible for you, but so delicious.

OMG! That sounds great!! Wish I could get them in Virginia. I like the Chili-Cheese Fritos or "Hint of Lime" Toastitos. :smiley: