Users login history for last 7 days

I am trying to create a Unix script that will show the login history for the last 7 days for a user. Is the 'last' command the best option?
I know last /var/adm/utmpx (username) will show all logins for the username but how do i limit it to the last 7 days?

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Hi @grando

Does your OS have last with the -s option?

$ last --help

 last [options] [<username>...] [<tty>...]

Show a listing of last logged in users.

 -<number>            how many lines to show
 -a, --hostlast       display hostnames in the last column
 -d, --dns            translate the IP number back into a hostname
 -f, --file <file>    use a specific file instead of /var/log/wtmp
 -F, --fulltimes      print full login and logout times and dates
 -i, --ip             display IP numbers in numbers-and-dots notation
 -n, --limit <number> how many lines to show
 -R, --nohostname     don't display the hostname field
 -s, --since <time>   display the lines since the specified time
 -t, --until <time>   display the lines until the specified time
 -p, --present <time> display who were present at the specified time
 -w, --fullnames      display full user and domain names
 -x, --system         display system shutdown entries and run level changes
     --time-format <format>  show timestamps in the specified <format>:

For example, on my Ubuntu Linux systems:

$ last -s -7days -t today

This will show last for the last week.

See also:

last -s 2020-02-13 -u 2020-02-18

The time passed to the -p , -s and -t options can be specified in the following formats:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm     (seconds will be set to 00)
YYYY-MM-DD           (time will be set to 00:00:00)
hh:mm:ss             (date will be set to today)
hh:mm                (date will be set to today, seconds to 00)
yesterday            (time is set to 00:00:00)
today                (time is set to 00:00:00)
tomorrow             (time is set to 00:00:00)



Hi Neo,

My system has -a -n and -f options for the last command.


Maybe install a newer or different version of last :slight_smile:

No need to restrict yourself to versions which do not perform as you need.

You have a choice.

Unfortunately I dont have the option to update the version at the moment. With the options I have can anybody suggest the command i would need to run to show only the last 7 days history?

Hey @grando

You should provide full operating system and version details to continue this topic.

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Solaris 5.11

There is no Solaris version 5.11

There is SunOS version 5.11 that is Solaris version 11.
(Section "version history" in the given wikipedia link.)

Yes I know.

When we ask a user for a version they should provide the correct one.

There is NO Solaris 5.11.

There is Sun OS 5.11

This is not "rocket science" to know your own version when you post to a public forum

See Also:

Posting questions in a public forum is not a kind of game where posters just reply to basic questions with nonsense and false basic information.