Unix for Macintosh

Hi all,

I'm a Mac-user (imac se at the moment), using Mac OS 9.1

I really want to learn how to work with unix-systems.

What is the best place for me to start?
Where can i download a system?
Can i still use my imac as a software basestation for an ibook running OS 9.1?
It seems like i can't find the answers to my questions anywhere on the net...

If you do know the answers, please let me know!


Consider upgrading to Mac OS X. You and run OS 9 applications on top of OS X.

Well thought it was quite expensive... 500 guilders (about $200) is a lot more then a free version of Unix... specially when you just want to try it first for a while...

If you want to run UNIX on Apple architecture, then one choice is OS X. You can download and run the OS X kernel, Darwin for free. What you pay for in OS X is the cool graphical tools, AQUA, COCOA, etc. If you want just run freeware, then you can download Darwin, download GCC and then run XFREE86 no problem, if you want X.

Thank you for giving me this advise and explanaition! That's really something i can use!

Now the only question is: where to download??




Neo, you're great!

Thnx a lot for your help!

If you want a full distribution, also check out Yellow Dog Linux.

Their <a href="http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/resources/ftp_mirrors.shtml">download</a> section has a nice simple list of where to get it, and the "supported machines" list covers iMac as well!

I haven't used Yellow Dog myself, however. Does anyone else use it? Is it a good, full featured Linux distribution?

Also, Neo, could this be added to the FAQ section? I just noticed there is no information for Mac systems...