UNIX 40th Birthday

A little off topic, as far as not being a critical help issue, but I have been searching about for the OFFICIAL date that is considered the 40th Birthday of UNIX. Some folks mentioned it in March, I think do to a mention on Slashdot of the 40th birthday being this year, but I thought I recall others mentioning June 2009. I thought I would come to the unix.com and see what the experts think.

I hope this post is okay. Thanks folks!

Ken Thompson wrote the first UNIX system in assembly language on a PDP-7 in 1969. That that time Unix was called Unics as a joke on Multics. The first Unix was the operating system for Space Travel, a graphical game that displayed the motion planets.

Reference: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Unix-history.svg

Also, see attached paper: