Unable to send mail from non-global zone

TLDR; non-global-zone has same configuration files (sendmail.cf) as global-zone but still unable to send mail out using mailx

I have a S11.3 system that has a non-global-zone which uses the exact same sendmail.cf configurations as the global but, unable to send mail out from it.
Apparently there's a 050 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name error that mailx's output provided during the end of the execution.
When doing a nslookup on the hostname of the box, system returns this;

;; Got SERVFAIL reply from hiddenIP, trying next server 
;; Got SERVFAIL reply from hiddenIP, trying next server 


Any suggestions ?

--- Post updated at 10:41 AM ---

Also forgot to provide the ending of mailx output;

.... ( general foobar from mailx )..

050 >>> EHLO <<hidden hostname>>. 
050 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name 
050 >>> HELO <<hidden hostname>>. 
050 501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name

FYI, most people I know use postfix these days.

Long story short, there was a entry in the /etc/hosts file which shouldn't have been there. Removed it, restarted sendmail service and retested, systems sends mail out.

The entry needed to be removed in the hosts file was;

'hostname . '

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