Transistion to php mysqli


I'm using the Enterprise Modules Framework (Tomorrow's Framework) and the recent
changes/upgrades to PHP7 require the use of mysqli_ commands over the old mysql_
commands. Here is the code from the connection section of the dataio module:

         function dbConnect($eng,$hst,$udb,$usr,$pwd) {
           /*  Function: dbConnect()                                            */
           /*      Call: dbCommect ( eng, host, usedb, user, pwd )                    */
           /*   Purpose: Connects the database & reports errors.  Only one      */
           /*            consecutive connection allowed.                                */
           //self::db_Set_Vars ($eng,$hst,$udb,$usr,$pwd,'','','');
            if ( $de_bug    == 5 ) {
                echo "DE=> $eng <br>\n";
                echo "DH=> $hst <br>\n";
                echo "DU=> $udb <br>\n";
                echo "DL=> $usr <br>\n";
                echo "DP=> $pwd <br>\n";
            }    // end if $de_bug
           /*if ( isset ( $_SESSION['DB_CON']) && $_SESSION['DB_CON']<>NULL ) { 
              $this->db_con    =    $_SESSION['DB_CON'];
           } else {
              $this->db_con    =    DB_CON;
           }  // end if/else $_SESSION['db_usr'] */
           if (!$con) {
              switch ($eng) {
                    case 'ingres':                // Process using the Ingres Engine
                        //    TBD                    // Ingres user your contribution please
                     case 'mssql':                // Process using the MS-SQL Engine
                         //    TBD                    // MS-SQL user your contribution please
                 case 'mysql':            // Process MySQL Engine
                        $ver        =    intval ( phpversion () );
                        if ( $ver < 7 ) {
                            $conn     =    mysql_connect($hst,$usr,$pwd) or die(mysql_error());
                            $seldb    =    mysql_select_db($udb,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
                          $this->db_sel = false;
                           if ($seldb) { $this->db_sel = true; }
                        } else {
                            $conn = new mysqli($hst,$usr,$pwd,$udb) or die(mysql_error());
                    case 'pgsql':            // Process PostGres Engine
                       $con_str       =  "host=$db_hst port=$db_prt user=$db_uid ".
                                    "password=$db_pwd dbname=$db_nam"; 
                       $this->db_con = pg_connect($con_str) 
                           or die("Error: Failed to connect with CONN_STRING");
                       if ($this->db_con) {
                          $this->db_sel = true;
                       } else {
                          $this->db_sel = false;
                       }  // end if $this->db_con
                     case 'oracle':            // Process using the Oracle Engine
                         //    TBD                    // Oracle user your contribution please
                     case 'sybase':            // Process using the SyBase Engine
                         //    TBD                    // SyBase user your contribution please
              }  // end switch
           }     // end if !$this->con
            if ($this->db_sel === true) {
                return array($this->db_con, $this->db_use);
            }  // end if $this->con
        }     // end function dbConnect

You can see why I use EM as you can trancend and/0r interpose on any DB. I once
had all the code for MS-SQL and Oracle, when on a client project where they were
using both as their DBs and they couldn't understand why I could merge databases
so easy, but you can when all the code is the same and you just choose the DB

Anyway the problem is all previous code and all the other code is looking for the
$this->db_sel var to be set "TRUE" when actually connected and the DB selected.
All the HOWTOs and code samples do not show a way to get this, without writing a
complex query.

Version is queried at the lines:

 $ver        =    intval ( phpversion () );
                        if ( $ver < 7 ) {

I need to know if there is a simple command on this, or do I use the same logic
that is shown for the PostGres connection processing.

Just need to know to keep this optimized as possible.



You can also try this:

if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.10', '<')) {
    // php version isn't high enough

Or something like this:

$ver = (float)phpversion();
if ($ver > 7.0) {
    //do something for php7.1 and above.
} elseif ($ver === 7.0) {
    //do something for php7.0
} else {
    //do something for php5.6 or lower.

Neo, The test code I used is fine as all version prior to 7 can use the old code, but 7.0 and greater mysqli only, so my test is good. My Q wasn't about the version, got that down, it the return, showing the DB acked for is actually in play. I'm closing this, because due to lack of "fix it" responses, went with the same logic used in the PostGres section, since the open statement now requires the used DB as part of the open statement string. Thanks anyway! Cheers! OMR/TBNK

We also have the same problem with transitioning these forums to PHP7 and mysqli from legacy versions of PHP.

It's a lot of work and I've not had time to do it because of other projects.

You might want a copy of the EM dataio modules for this! That's what I'm fixing now! Cheers! OMR?TBNK

Hey TBotNik,

Did you have success with this?

EM dataio modules?