Total Posts - Confusion

Admin & Moderators,

I was browsing through the control panel.
To my astonishment found that there was a mismatch in the posts count.

In the User's (matrixmadhan) control panel.
Total Posts count = 225.

When I clicked find all posts.
Displaying 227 posts.

In addition to that,
I replied to two of the posts as being triple duplicated.
But after some time, I couldnt see the post itself.

Could somebody please clarify this confusion?


The database counters need to be rebuilt occasionally to compensate for deleted posts, etc. I don't like to do this often because it is resource intensive to rebuilt the entire database index.

Admin - Thanks for the reply.

I had seen only the threads being closed if they are duplicated ( or against the rules of the forum) and even sometimes being deleted. But we do have an indication stating that the thread has been deleted for reason so and so.

Anyway main part was absolutely cleared.