time synchronization

i have an HP UNIX box w/c acts as ntp server... I tried to change the time plus 8 minutes... the problem is that the other HP UNIX ntp client did not follow the time... when I tried to restart ntp client... using stop start it only sync to the server once... when I issue the command "ntpq -p", w/c suppose to show me where the client get there clock... there is no asterisk on the ip of the ntp server w/c was previously present before the time modification.

to illustrate:


  remote    refid      st    t    when poll reach   delay  offset    disp
*server     16  u   46    64    0     0.00    6.69     16000.0
  LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0)  3    -    -    64    0     0.00     0.00     16000.0


  remote    refid      st    t    when poll reach   delay  offset    disp
  server     16  u   46    64    0     0.00    0.00     16000.0
  LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0)  3    -    -    64    0     0.00     0.00     16000.0

I think the differences in time (8 minutes) is just too much for ntp to handle - you need to sync by changing the time on the client side and then start up your ntp - although this isn't stated in the documentation for clients, seeing some of the problems with large time differences between ntp servers it's possible.

Dear RTM,

I don't recall having a similar issue with NTP. We have used NTP to sync clocks at are many hours off.

We use ntpdate and when we reboot, the system clock is often off by years - and ntpdate seems to work fine.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the issue?
