The Social Network (the facebook movie): What Did You Think?


I was really disappointed with The Social Network! I had no idea how it could win 5 golden globe awards (or whatever it won!). Granted, the actor who played Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse Eisenberg, did a good job playing a socially inept smart guy; but for me, the rest of the movie was not very good.

Did you see it?

What did you think?


I was a little bit surprised to see very little people interested in this topic.

Most forum users are not interested in "social networking" sites like Facebook, it seems.

Mark Zuckerberg is now more famous than Richard Stallman
and Linus Torvalds, but not Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, yet.

I chose not to pay to see the movie, but will see it when I see
it, but the whole "Facebook" success thing is hard to swallow
for me anyway.

What I think is hard to put a finger on for a lot of hackers is,
is innovation a matter of how much money you make? Fame
and fortune is pretty cool on TV and the Movies.

Zuckerberg made a cool website and people are calling it the
greatest innovation since the light bulb. If you took away Linux
and GNU which are free, Facebook would fall on its face.

I am not sure of too many movies that are worth the $11 ticket price, plus another $6 for a soda.
That said, I am interested in seeing the Social Network, and will probably Red Box it, once that time arrives. $1 is much easier to pay.

Last two movies I saw were:
Hood to Coast, a special limited release "one day only" showing chronicling teams of runners preparing and competing in a 200 mile running relay race in Oregon (USA).
No Strings Attached, because I have always been a fan a Natalie Portman (since The Professional). And, it seemed like a pleasant enough movie to goto with my wife on an adult-only night out (without our kids).

Before those two... maybe a year ago...

I was actually surprised and thought it was quite good. Naturally I am don't watch it for a factual representation of what happened, but I enjoyed it. I have to also give it credit for mentioning emacs lol

I think it was ok, because of the passion that changed the situation through the efforts is pushed me to consider so.