The largest dump device is too small

1.what is dump device in AIX?...
2. i m getting this error message
The largest dump device is too small.

when i check the paging space , it is used only 41%

any help welcome

Normally, the dump device is where the OS write a core dump. This can be a very big file and you must have sufficient disk space for this file to dump to disk.

is the dump device same as paging space?....i read from the red book that at some devices, dump device and the paging space r the same and they share (mirror) logical volume.... how can i no that my AIX 5L, the dump device and paging space r the same?...
2.( i found out that primary dump device , lg_dumplv size is 128M, pps is 8 so it is 1G and the paging space is hd6 16G and used 44 %).. the question is how can i increase my dump device... if i increase the dump storage, is the pagaing space also increase or not?...
thanks for the reply

following :

sysdumpdev -l # to list dump device
sysdumpdev -L # to list last time system dumped
sysdumpdev -e # to estimate the size of a dump under current loading

Largest dump device size in kb ***
This is the size of the dump device.

Current estimated dump size in kb ***

And this is the estimated size of the dump in kb if you system were to crash under your current load.

You just need to :

extendlv lg_dumplv NUM_PPS (example lg_dumplv is your dump lv )

make your dumplv large enough to fit your needs ....

good luck ...

sysdumpdev -l Shows you dump setup

-P -p /dump_dev *Sets the primary dumpdev (make a volume not Mirror)
-p -s /Dumpdev * Set the Secondary dump Normaly hd6 (paging space )

Dump Messages The messages you are getting is related to the space where the dump file is copied

eg /var/adm/ras

So when /var is running low on space you will have this messages on your system every day at about 3pm

What to do

  1. Add more space to /var ( chfs -a size=xxxxxx /var (where xxx new size )
  2. have a look in /var/preserve and rmove old junk ( this folder is related to vi -r files )
  3. clean out the /var/adm/wtmp file and make it smaller ( nulladm command is used for this )