The Discourse Upgrade to Ember 5 Notes

FYI Only, at this point:

As Discourse attempts to migrate from Ember 3 to Ember 5, the Discourse failures keep coming.

Currently, cannot build any new Discourse docker container without seeing Ember related console errors; and whatever base image or Ember version is set in the build config; all build attempts results in a Ember JS error.

I can build the container, but the site will not load due to Ember JS errors in the dev console.


Not worried about it, as this is "par-for-the-course" for Discourse open source code and customers who do not use their paid hosting services. Just FYI, taking system notes and recording observations along the way.

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Fatal JS errors:

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Try to build again without plugin identified in discourse ember 5 plugin warning:

Comment out:

#- git clone 

Using base image:

Status: Downloaded newer image for discourse/base:2.0.20240109-0023
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Another fatal plugin error related to Ember (fingerprint).

Comment out and rebuild again :slight_smile:

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OK, removing two plugins with Ember code, can build and run Discourse with Ember 5:

#- git clone 
#- git clone https://unixneo:'5b60topsecretcodec14cfbe'

However, there is an error with one of the theme components:

Disable the theme component above, and there are no more console errors:

Two non-fatal JS warning remain:

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  1. Removed two custom plugins (legacy forum info and fingerprint).
  2. Disabled Hamburger Theme Selector theme component.
  3. Now, we are running Ember 5 without errors.
  4. Two minor warning remains for one custom plugin (looks like an easy fix).