Thank you

The content of this forum is gold. When in doubt, when confused, a google search always brings this forum to bare. After touching a unix/Linux based platform for the first time a year ago, and not knowing up from down, this forum has helped me progress to a tier 3 position in little over a year...and I've never once, till now, posted anything. In fact I'm not to sure there is a reason to post considering every question asked, has been asked time and time again.

Save upper level scripting/coding, a good mind for string searching will get you what you need.

All said and done, first post, is one of gratitude. Hope it doesn't get me in trouble tho, I kinda skipped over the forum rules link :eek:


Thanks amora. It is good to hear you found these forums to be so useful and that it helped your progress :b:

Hi amora,

Thank you for those kinds words. You make me and all the other team members feel good about the work we all put into these forums.

I know it sounds a bit overstated; but often when I talk to someone who is not familiar with these types of technology forums I explain to them that we get, on average, 4,500,000 visitors a month. The vast majority of these visitors come here from a web search where they are looking to solve a technical problem; and most are at work.

Of course, we cannot claim we help 4,500,000 visitors each month, that would be an overstatement. However, we do manage to help quite a large number of people each month and that is a great feeling. Let's say that out of the 4.5 million visitors to the site each month, only 1 out of 10 find any benefit; well that means we still help around a half a million people each month.

You know, sometimes a person is really trying hard to solve a problem. It's late in the day and they want to go home and have dinner with their family. They have a big problem they want to finish; and they search and (hopefully) find an suitable solution or approach to move them forward here.

Wow. When you think about it; everyone here contributes to this very solid community of people helping each other, and creating a knowledge base for tomorrow and beyond.

Isn't it great to be a part of such a community? I know for me, I am so happy to know that our work in these forums are so useful to so many millions of visitors each year; so I have to thank each and every one of our community members for being a part of this unique community.

This is especially true in a world where there is so much anger, misfortune, hate and violence. It does not matter here what is your government, it does not matter what color is your skin or your eyes or your hair, and it does not matter here if you are rich or you are poor; we all come here as one community to help each other.

It's great isn't it? :slight_smile: