Telnet disconnects

Hi, I am running Unix server side and netterm client side. While I am in netterm working my sessions just disconnect randomly. Does any one know a fix?

Most likely you have a security feature enabled in Netterm that you don't want/need, in this case, session timeout.

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You can use a different terminal program and a different protocol to login remotely.

First of all, telnet is not secure; so you should ssh in for a fully encrypted secure communications channel.

Second, there are myriad client side and command line ssh apps for unix systems.

You might try, from your command line.


See also:

Also, normally with sshd the timeout is set on the server side via keepalives. For a Linux example, see:

Or you can google this for your specific unix server.

Another idea: is TMOUT set? (In (t)csh: autologout)

echo $TMOUT