System failed to load previously installed libraries present in lib64 Fedora 35 workstation

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have intel i3 10th gen processor and I installed Fedora 35 kionite and after that I have installed gnome, mate, lxde, xfce desktop environments and after that I have updated all packages using "dnf upgrade" command. Everything is working fine except failed to install new third party packages.

I want to install intel opencl or intel graphics runtime libraries which is downloaded from intel official website. I have downloaded the tarball "l_opencl_p_18.1.0.015" and after that I have extracted it and found the package " intel-openclrt-".

I have tried to install the above package using "rpm -ivh " command but I got the following errors.

Missing libraries
The following libraries required for installation are missing: 

As my system architecture is x86-64 I have searched for libnuma and ld-linux under /lib64 directory and found the following

[root@fedora lib64]# ls libnuma* ld-linux*
[root@fedora lib64]#

As I have failed to load the libraries I have added /lib64 to "/etc/" and after that I have restarted the system and ran the command "ldconfig" and tried to install the previously failed package and even there is no difference I mean I am getting same errors as before.

The contents of file "/etc/" are as follows

[root@fedora lib64]# cd /etc/
[root@fedora etc]# cat


I am also providing the contents of the directory "/etc/ld.conf.d" as follows

[root@fedora etc]# ls
chatty.conf          libiscsi-x86_64.conf      pipewire-jack-x86_64.conf              tix-x86_64.conf
dyninst-x86_64.conf  llvm12-x86_64.conf        qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld-x86_64.conf  wine-32.conf
ffmpeg4.conf         opencryptoki-x86_64.conf  qt-x86_64.conf                         wine-64.conf
[root@fedora etc]# 

Kindly try to suggest how libnuma and ld-linux libraries can be loaded before installing the intel opencl package.


What does this output?

ls -ld /lib64

Hi I have issued the command as you said and it's output is

[root@fedora soft]# ls -ld /lib64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Jul 22  2021 /lib64 -> usr/lib64 

And this?

ls -ld /usr/lib64

I am providing the output of the command you said as follows

[root@fedora soft]# ls -ld /lib64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Jul 22  2021 /lib64 -> usr/lib64
[root@fedora soft]# ls -ld usr/lib64
ls: cannot access 'usr/lib64': No such file or directory
[root@fedora soft]# ls -ld /usr/lib64
dr-xr-xr-x. 363 root root 241664 Mar 25 08:56 /usr/lib64
[root@fedora soft]#