swap problems...

hi friends,
how do i check swap space in Redhat Enterprise 4?
if the treshold is above 95% how do i reduce it?

You can view your current swap with:

swapon -s

You can make more swap with:


You can add the swap you just made with,

swapon /swap/you/just/made

You can also install more memory.

thanks ...anyways i can see the swap usage in percentage other than ;

used memory
------------ X 100 ???
total memory

multiply the amount of used by 100, and divide that for the total swap

any other commands to find the swap usage in percentage?

just want to make myself clear here,i understand that the only ways of reducing an exceeded swap treshold is either to kill some process or extend the swap space.
am i correct??

please advise.thanks...


then you use maths to get percentage

ok...thanks..guess i will manage...