Smitty chresrefrt

Years ago I would use the command smitty chresrefrt or similar to access the mojo display resolution options. It was most likely on aix 6 or below. It could have worked on 7 but I'm unsure. I cannot find any kind of documentation on this command to verify if I have the correct usage since it's been a while and I could be one character off. Has anyone used this command in the past on AIX or does it sound familiar? I would have thought I could find it somewhere out there but I've foun nothing like it has been wiped from existence. Much appreciated.

Hi @tv144

Welcome to our Community.

I assume you have already looked at this?

Thanks Dragon Slayer
Sorry I should have communicated that I am able to change the display still with smit and a setres script, but I was just wondering if I was wrong as far as chresrefrt wording/spelling ... I know for sure it use to work and it brought me right to the mojo graphics adapter without having to click through 5 options. I was wondering if anyone else had ever used this in the past. I'm not at a stoppage or anything but I was really curious that I could not find info on it anywhere even on ibm when searching under earlier OS. Either way thanks.

I was on the command line and it came back to me via muscle memory. It was actually smitty chres_refrt. I forgot all about the underscore. :man_facepalming:t4: