sendmail loop???

Hi all,

i used to have user1 account on my box, then i deleted this account. But i keep on getting emails from sendmail:

From: .... User not found!!!

I'm getting like hundreds of this emails everyday to root. I've checked my mgueue and spool there is no temp messages in there. How can i get rid of this message.



I have an idea as to your problem.

Either you have some scripts that have the hardcoded username to mail its output to or your sendmail "aliases" file has that user in it.

For the latter, you need to look for a file called "aliases". It is usually in /etc/mail/aliases. Do a "find / -name aliases -print" to find it.

This is the configuration file for how sendmail handles mailing lists based on mail aliases. You may have an entry in there for this user1.

Go ahead and search for an aliases file on your system. On HPUX it is in /etc/mail/aliases.

Once you remove this line from the aliases file, you will need to execute the "newaliases" or sendmail -bi command to update your sendmail configuration.

What may be happening is sendmail still thinks that the user exists because it is in this file even though you deleted them from the system.



I dont have this user in aliases, i've already cheched this. Any other suggestions?

Thank you,

Is it from the same users as it is sending to? If so, you might check to see if they have any cron jobs still scheduled somehow. This shouldn't be the case, but I've seen wierder...

1) Here is a crazy idea. Re-create this user, leave them on the box for at least one day. Then remove them from the box again.

2) If that doesn't work then you possibly have a script that runs as this user and emails to themself.


3) This user may be sending email to your box from somewhere else.

Also, is there any info in the body of these emails that you can divulge to us? Maybe the body of the message can give you a clue where it comes from.

Let me know if this helps.


I've found out that the message is sent by of the machines in my local network. It's kinda hard to find out what machine, coz i've got around 300 of them. Is there any way i can configure sendmail to drop the messages send FROM of TO user1@mydomain

Thank you all,

it shouldnt be hard just look at the sending address. and telnet to that machine. :wink:

My network is mapped through NAT, so i just can see my gateway address in log info. So, is there any way to block(deny) this sender in sendmail???


sendmail has a wide range of options to block senders:

An ``access'' database can be created to accept or reject mail from selected domains. For example, you may choose to reject all mail originating from known spammers.

Check out this page: