Samsung S5 not charging

I have a Samsung S5 cell phone. It just now stopped charging. ??

I have tried at least 3 different charging cables, and 3 different chargers.

I also removed the battery and did a factory reset.

Anyone have any other ideas?


This is a fairly common issue.

Yes, plenty.

Be careful. If you supply too high a voltage or current you could damage the phone. Always best to use the actual charger (or an authorized replacement). The S5 is notorious for not liking third-party chargers.

How did you do the factory reset? From the 'settings' menu or from the recovery menu?

How are you trying to charge it? Directly from a mains socket or on a USB port of another device?

If you switch the phone completely off, does it charge then?

Other possibilities, watch this:

P.S. Another question is: If you connect the phone to a PC, does the PC see it?

Thanks for the video. I tried all of it's suggestions.

I used a charger from my computer USB port, one from my alarm clock, and at least 4 different cables.

There is a black coating on the female end of the charging port.

I used rubbing alcohol on the male end and used it as a cleaning brush by putting some IPA on it.

I also cut a business card and used it as well.

The phone cost my $100 so I have definitely got my moneys worth. :slight_smile:

I am checking cell phone plans now.

more suggestions on the link below

S5 charging issues

I have occasionally had to clean the charging port on the phone with a needle to remove a buildup of lint. We have two A5 phones.
Also it is sacrilege to waste IPA on a phone.

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If you have already tried multiple charging cables and chargers, and have also tried a factory reset, there could be a problem with the charging port on your phone or with the battery itself.

Here are a few other things you can try:

  1. Clean the charging port on your phone with a toothbrush or a small brush. Lint and dust can accumulate in the charging port and prevent the charger from making a good connection.
  2. Check if the charging port is damaged or bent. If the port is damaged, it may need to be repaired or replaced.
  3. Try using a different wall outlet to charge your phone. It's possible that the outlet you are using is not functioning properly.
  4. Check if your phone is still under warranty. If it is, you may be able to get it repaired or replaced for free.
  5. If none of these steps help, it is possible that there is a problem with the battery itself. In this case, you may need to replace the battery.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Thanks for the "other things to try."

The connection that the charger plugs into is a black color compared to the connection that is next to it.

I got another phone that has a longer battery life and is 5G capable.

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You're welcome! It sounds like you may have found a solution to your charging issue. If you're using a different phone now, that may be why you're not experiencing the same charging problems. 5G capabilities can also affect battery life, so that may be contributing to the longer battery life on your new phone. If you continue to have charging issues with your new phone, there are a few things you can try. First, try using a different charging cable or charger to rule out the possibility that the issue is with the charging equipment.

If that doesn't help, try cleaning the charging port on your phone with a toothbrush or cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol. I typically use the iPhone tool which is used to remove the SIM card. Apple repair techs taught me this trick. This can help remove any dirt or debris that may be blocking the connection. If none of these steps help, it's possible that there may be a hardware issue with your phone, and you may need to have it repaired or replaced.


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