Rsync Utilization

Hi everyone!

I'm new on the rsync utility and just want to be enlightened. I have a scheduled rsync using cron. We are transferring 981 files with 50GB total. It's going through SSH from source to destination.

Here is my command:
* * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -a --update --inplace /sourcedir/ 10.150.1.XXX:/destinationdir/

The idea is I just want to transfer files from source to destination and if the source is newer, update the destination with the new one.

My main problem is that rsync uses 100% of my CPU and I want to learn why it's doing that and how I can remediate or if possible, doesn't impact utilization at all?

Thanks everyone.

You can prefix rsync with the nice command.

To get the params, you can try to read the man page on your AIX machine man nice.


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Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to read up on nice command.

nice still wants 100% of a CPU but gives other concurrent CPU requests precedence. It is nice to other processes.

I wonder why you have --inplace. Perhaps it is faster without?
Perhaps you should have -H instead, preserve hard links.
/usr/bin/rsync -aH --update /sourcedir/ 10.150.1.XXX:/destinationdir/


Absolutely agree with @MadeInGermany

You want the rsync to run as fast as possible and not with priority over other processes, but, yes, if 100% CPU is available (i.e. nobody else needs it), then it should use it.

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I use nice for all rsync commands in crontabs and it works fine.



Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll try to test it out.

see if adding the -z option (compress during transfer) helps.

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