RSS Feeds of Threads

Hi Guys,

With the RSS feeds of new threads added to the forums, would it be possible to include the text of the post in the RSS body?

This means that i wouldn't have to keep clicking "view site" to see what the thread's about from my rss aggregator.

I've included 2 x screenshots below that hopefully show what i'm after. One is how the shows up, and one is how another forum subscription (Ubuntu GNU/Linux in this case) shows up. is an excellent site. This feature would just save me some time and repeated, monotonous clicking :-).



Hi Craig,

I have the same issue with the RSS feeds we are importing. Great suggestion. We will look into it and see how to correct this. Thanks again.

Hi Craig,

You should update the url for the feed to be the following:

Neo, the feeds we are importing explicitly truncate the output after a couple of lines, it is designed specifically to force you to visit the sites.

Hi Guys, thanks for your efforts

reborg - just the ticket

Thanks again guys,


Hi Reborg!

That's what I thought as well. I think we need to find different RSS feeds. Maybe we can get suggestions from folks here on their favorite unix/linux feeds?

See to be honest guys, rss aggregation into the forums isn't much of a value add for me.

I come to the forums because i like reading the issues and more so the solutions. A news feed doesn't make or break my subscription to here. It's just a little noise to me.

Just my $0.02, there's probably some folks who use this site as their aggregator of news instead of having their own bloglines / greader account. They're gonna be annoyed if you do away with them :slight_smile:


FYI: All RSS aggregated news from FeedBot has been limited to this forum only:

These posts do not show up in the new threads list.

OK, here is the scoop.

Some RSS feeds do not support the full content. If they do, there will this field (in the feed):


The current Google feed that FeedBot is using does not support content:encoded, so we will need to find replacements.

I've been experimenting, so we will improve this RSS content over time.

Hi Guys,

For a while now (couple of months) the type=rss2 trick hasn't been working for me.

Can you turn back on the full listing of the first post in the thread please.



What RSS link are you using?

This link works for me, with full text:

Yeah that's the one i was using. I just removed from google reader and re-added, and now it's working :slight_smile: woohoo!

Thanks Neo,
