Restoration of Multimedia Capabilities in Red Hat Linux 9

Hello There

Is there any way round to restore the multimedia capabilities in Red Hat Linux 9 which were withdrawn by Red Hat due to non-standardization of formats like MP3? Is it possible to listen to MP3s in XMMS Player or view Movies in Xine again as it was in Red Hat Linux 7.3? Furthermore, I haven't checked MPlayer ( yet on RH Linux 9. Is this player compatible with RH 9?

No more questions


suse did a similar thing with mplayer and xine, distributing crippled packages is something that i was disappointed at. its no problem though. id say thebest way is to just uninstall all of the packages that are crippled, and download each of them individually from each respectivce website and compile everything from source.

Thanks a lot norsk, I'll do that. Its time consuming but its worth it.

On a general note, why the industry is so much at odds when it comes to such PETTY things. Though the people at Red Hat done it in good faith just to avoid fingerpointing, it is very very uncomfortable for a user to work without such goodies. Programmers do need some good music during the mind blowing sessions of programming, debugging etc.

Thanks again for such a fast reply to my post.


no problem :smiley: . we are all here to help and be helped.

as i said, i was disappointed that my favorite distro (suse :slight_smile: ) decided to provide crippled packages, but i do understand why. its the society we live in (in america anyway), especially the copyright situation...and the more you live everyday the more you realize that people are just idiots.

Now, now... be nice to people Mr. Moderator :smiley:

Well that's another interesting topic of discussion these days, i.e., copyright, copyleft or copy wrong! We the open source guys are fond of copy left as is Linus Torvalds, it seems.

This is the war of market share and big ratios & proportions. We have to wait and see which side the trend is going......?