Resize Linux partition


Could any one please share the informaiton about this or please point me the reference :

Assume, we have the following partition after linux machine is setup, it will mention like this :

bash$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda2             10G  5.0G  5.0G  50% /
/dev/xvda1             99M   30M   65M  32% /boot
tmpfs                  46G     0   46G   0% /dev/shm

And i want to resize /dev/xvda2 to increase from 10G to 20G without impacting the machine, can any one please share instruction on this. Should i use FDISK after adding the disk space to /dev/xvda ?


Where do you plan to get the additional 10G you need to increase /dev/xvda2 to 20G?

Yes - increase "/" from 10g to 20g [ "/" is /dev/xvda2]

If you have unused space on /dev/xvda - and this is what Neo asked - you can use fdisk , parted et al. to extend the partition, and then use resize2fs to adapt the file system to the new partition size.
Another way would be to backup the partition, delete and recreate it in a partition tool, and mkfs a new file system.