Remote Shell Program

Where can I find some Remote shell program in UNIX Environment?

I can't understand this question! Do you think about remote login?

no, I mean the client input some "command" in terminal. the server collect the command and execute. the server will return the result to client. do you know what i mean?

Your question is still not clear. Do you want to know about existing remote command execution facilities in unix or are you interested in writing one of your own?
Some of the existing commands are: remsh(HP-UX), rsh(Solaris,Linux) and ssh(download from and install seperately).
If you have to write one yourself, you are going to have to play around with sockets and the exec* family of commands a lot. I suggest that you get copies of "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" and "Unix Network Programming - Volume 1" by Stevens and get reading.

He wants the source to something like rexec.

Try one of the dowloads for rexec here:

Perhaps the OP is looking for this:


and the companion service: