Reminder to Students: Forum / Site Rules - Honesty, Honor and Integrity

Attention ALL Students:

Our forums have a rule that all schoolwork and classwork must be declared in the first post. This includes all work under the supervision of "an instructor" under any and all situations, including research as a student under any instructor, proctor, teacher or professor.

Studying in a university or taking any class or working under a professor, your work, under the direction of anyone, is school work, regardless of how you try to dance around the fact and hide the fact you are a student.

It is fine to post here, but you MUST declare you are a student at the beginning, when you post your question.

We are seeing, more and more, people (from certain countries, especially) who will do anything they can to disguise their student status, school project, etc in order to get help without declaring they are a student.

This is not permitted here. If you are a student; you MUST declare you are a student in your original post or you risk being silenced or banned.

We welcome all students with open arms; but students must declare they are students. There is no situation where this requirement is waived. You are either a student, doing school work, or you are not.

Here is a link to our rules, please read the rules and follow them.

We are growing weary over the students who come here and refuse to declare to us that they are students and working under the direction of someone in their school, university, class, course, etc.

Learn to be a professional and declare you are a student. Please stop the deception and cheating. If you are a student, just say so.

Thank you.

Latest Incident:

In closing, let me add this:

"Without Honor, Everything Is Lost"

Learn to live your life with Honor and Integrity and stop cheating, plagiarizing, and manipulating others to do your school work for you. It will pay off in your life if you learn to be Honest and Live with Honor and Integrity in all you do in your life. - Neo