Reminder: Category for Forum Support

Dear All,

Just a gentle reminder, any and all questions regarding forum features, forum problems, forum bugs (basically anything regarding this site, except for staff discussions), should be posted in the support category here:

Please and kindly do not sent the staff private messages regarding "how to use the forums" or for bug reports, etc.

Also, as always, technical questions via private message are not permitted. All technical discussions must be in the main forums. This has been our rule for around 20 years and most forums on the net have the same rule / policy.

Thank you for your understanding.

PS: For all the people who like to send me private messages about the forums, please understand that it's better to post all forum-related discussions and questions in the main forums so our all users can read the discussions, and any staff member (or senior leader) can respond. In addition, it's better for future moderators and staff members to have a place where they can read the history of all support questions. It's nothing personal, because we do not to want to receive these private messages; it's simply better for everyone to post all support questions in the public support forum.