Question for @Neo

Are PWA’s the future? I’m starting to believe yes! Love to know your thoughts!


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Hey @anon16652331

My crystal ball is as foggy as yours.

Our members "demanded" we disable the Discourse PWA, so I wrote a little plugin to disable PWA here.

Not sure what the current status is but I assume PWA is still disabled on this site.

Well, the little plugin I wrote remains active:


See Also:

I used discourse in a site a designed a few years back. Great functionality.

I added this site to iPhone desktop and it still runs like a PWA which I like. Sure some will disagree.

Referring back to the original question. I like the fact I can design and build a SPA that doesn't have to go through the giants app stores and works the same if not better in some cases. The issues I have found are niggles, Its far more difficult to share your PWA and its contents as its browser built functions aren't available in PWA mode. I'm sure Apple and Alphabet aren't happy about the explosion of PWAs in the last few years but I believe at some point they will have to accept they are here to stay and give us that functionality.

React Native is a way to gain back that functionality within mobile apps but I do like the one size fits all approach to design.

Let's open this post up to all. Be good to hear the thoughts of others concerning this as I'm currently deciding on best approach.


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