Proxied wget - pretend as if we are trying to download requested file

I am not sure that I would correctly express my question.
Server A Dns: http://xx.yy.zz

Let's say there is a source file inside Server A's webpage. I can see the source file url.

Source file url is: http://a.b.c/master.m3u8

I wish to download the source file url but wget returns to "access denied" on chrome.

This page is cloudflare protected. No direct ip access allowed.

So, my question: Is there a trick as if request is sent to http://xx.yy.zz while I am running wget command on cmd.

Something like this:

wget -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" \ 
-O master.m3u8  "http://a.b.c/master.m3u8&origin=http://xx.yy.zz"

When wget request is sent to http://a.b.c/, we pretend as if we are trying to download requested file via http://xx.yy.zz.

Thank you

Is this an accurate summary ?

A web site has access controls in place and you desire to bypass those access controls?

Hello Neo,
You hit the nail, right on the head :slight_smile:

Hi @baris35

FYI our team is prohibited from assisting you due to our two decades old policy of not assisting anyone to bypass any security controls of any site or device.

Thank you for understanding. I will now close this topic.