Proper Forum Etiquette

I'm a frequent visitor to these forums. I generally enjoy topics that are posted as well as the responses. I really pickup a lot of new things to learn.

However, there is one thing that does bother me here. (I dont mean to start a flame war, or any problems at all, just expressing some thoughts)

Whenever I post, even before I post, I always research the issue as much as I can. I feel I learn better if I can actually try and figure my question on my own. However, if I cannot find the answer it is at that time I will post.

When I post, I try to be very specific, detailed and respectful. I feel that should be the correct way to post. I always start off with what im attempting to do and what steps I have done to try and resolve it on my own. In essence, I am polite and respectful in my posts.

What bothers me are these types of posts:

"Hey, how do you do this....?


I read this posts and cant help but get irritated. Did the person even attempt to research the issue? What about asking politely, being courteous and respectful? You cant help but question new threads that contain one line and end in bye.

Now im not saying that everyone needs to give a story before the post, but how about something more then "how do I do this? thanks." Maybe a little background info. A hint that maybe they tried to find the answer before they posted?

It just seems that everyone wants a quick answer and resolution. They dont want to take the time to try and figure out the problem on their own. It seems that laziness runs rampart in some, while patience and determination are non-exsistent.

I do enjoy helping people with questions. However, when I see those brief, "Give the answer now" posts, I cant help but ignore them.

I'm not trying to start a problem or negative thread here. That is not my intention. I do think that this forum as some top notched individuals who are very helpful and informative. It just bugs me at times when I see these type of posts.

Well, just wanted to get that off my chest.:slight_smile: Like I said earlier, its not my intention to start any problems, just voicing my opinion.

Hope everyone is having a great day.


i couldnt agree more.

First case: Some people find this site when they are in dire trouble and don't read the rules. They also forget that there are more then one OS out there. They are involved with their problem and just want it fixed.

Second case: They did read the rules but still forget that there is more than one OS out there. Made an assumtion that all of us know exactly what is going on with everything.

You aren't going to change a thing. You could probably start up a new name/login on here and only post to questions that fail to give detail with "What OS and version?" and become a Sustaining member in five months.

You aren't going to change a thing

To be honest, I was never trying to change anything. I was just voicing my opinion.

All I was trying to say is that, it doesnt seem to me that most people take the time to read up on anything. Whether it be documentation for their system or forum rules. :slight_smile:

They are involved with their problem and just want it fixed.

Seems to be a common occurance.

Second case: They did read the rules but still forget that there is more than one OS out there. Made an assumtion that all of us know exactly what is going on with everything.

Seems to happen all the time. :slight_smile:

When I first started learning UNIX, you had to read the manual and any other documentation available. Heavin forbid you asked a simple question on a mailing list of some sort where the usually response was "RTFM!"

I always took the approach as very respectful and polite. Just my style and more of a courtesy to others to show im sincere and not just "looking for the answer right now!" sort a speak.

Like I said, I was not trying to change anything, nor start a problem here. I was just voicing a opinion.


Oh, I agree with you ... just want to make sure you understood the reasons to help lower your frustration level. And I know about the RTFM...I tried to grab that name when I joined. Alas, it was grabbed by someone else already.

That's another one you will get here - "the man page was confusing". Yes, and that I believe that is another part of the problem - if it's too hard to read the documentation, ask someone to explain it. Sometimes going over the man pages again and again is the only way to 'get it'.

Sometimes going over the man pages again and again is the only way to 'get it'

I could not agree with you more.

Maybe its because we are old schoolers on this and we know the system. :slight_smile: We learned it the hard way.

I got a kick out of your name whats you told me the reasoning behind it. I bet we could exchange some good stories about responses we've received pertaining to "RTFM!" hehe :slight_smile:

Glad to know im not alone. :slight_smile:


And I've been doling out good information just to get to Sustaining Member level!?! :eek:

I understand that the one line type questions can get annoying but I would rather put up a good front instead of a true cynical self that looks at the messages and yells "L-user!" It is my hopes that I am able to help and that person becomes a productive member of the forum.

You know what burns my hide? I like to at least get a "Hey, it worked" response after a solution has been posted. Sometimes a response is never given and future thread readers won't know if the solution worked or not.

You know what really burns my hide but is totally idiotic? I really like to know where people are located that post messages. Sometimes I read a message and think, "I betcha that person is located in XXXX part of the world" only to have the Location field left out. Totally insignificant but it bugs me sometimes.

Okay, but to the normal wanna-be helpful Auswipe. :smiley:

yea, heaven forbid that any of us should actually meet each other and have a real conversation.

Also, I would like to see that my post helped someone out. I rarely see responses, but am grateful to those who do respond with gratitiude.

I must admit that I have cut back on telling folks not to post Homework questions or the "how do i fix it now questions".

I try to lead them down a path to the answer rather than giving them the cold "these are the site rules" answer. Even though I agree with Neo that no homework should ever be posted here.

If I help that person out now with a nibble and not the whole carrot, they may come back and contribute later on.

Just my 2k on these issues that irk us.

I think that lots of people ask homework related problems and we don't know it is homework..... so, we are fooling ourselves if we think that no one is getting help related to homework here. Some people are just a bit more clever at it.

This is a difficult issue and there a no easy answers..... so for now, let's just keep the no-homework rule.... and perhaps someday a college professor teaching UNIX will read these posts and give us their opinion ! Perhaps they will help moderate and set or change the rules ...... until then :slight_smile:

I do agree that we should not be too heavy handed with students and to help guide them to success so they will enjoy the UNIX environment. Sometimes busy moderators, including myself, simply enforce the rules without taking the time to be a bit more gentle and encouraging.

To be honest, I don't claim to have the right or only answer with regard to the homework issue. My gut feeling is that simply posting homework to the board, getting answers and doing it again is not in the best interest of the student or the teacher.