Ppa and default-bind-ciphers

I am under ubuntu 16.04 now. I am going to add a repository into server.
After apt-get install app_name , I see below lines inside a file :

excerpted from config file:

ssl-default-bind-ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256::RSA+AES:RSA+3DES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS

I'd like to know what it means.
Do you think that it might cause a security issue at my end?

Thank you

Did your installation go as planned?

Why mask out the name of the file you installed?

Hello Neo,
No problem, haproxy

thank you

Thanks but did your install go as planned with no errors?

In other words, did haproxy install OK?

I #'d that line.
It's okay with installation

Thank you

Thanks... so what's the problem ?

Are you concerned about the apt config or the haproxy config?

You should try to be specific so we do not have to become mind readers to understand your post :slight_smile:

I use apt all the time and this issue has never come up in apt .

Normally I have no problem with installation as I did the same before but it was a question in my mind.
My question: What is the function of the line which I removed?

Thank you

You still did not answer my questions!

Please answer my questions!

Hmm, okay Neo,
In my understanding, you mean install with apt is the secure way.
I will try that way.

Thank you for your time


No I did not have any "meaning" except to try to understand your cryptic posts and partial information, missing key details.

You should post complete details in the future if you want folks to easily help you.


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