Please Refrain from Using Single Backticks for Markdown

Dear All,

I have noticed that new users here in Discourse-world are using single back ticks when using markdown.

Please refrain from doing this.

For most code, use triple back ticks for both inline code and code blocks.

Single backtick markdown is problematic with code.


See example here:

Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 6.05.04 PM

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I noticed that if I edit a message, the publication is automatically updated and the thread goes to the top

I could not resist not to try to insert a screenshot

Yes, that is correct.

I noticed the same thing.

Thanks for noticing @nezabudka

Here is another example of the recommended markdown for code:

Kindly refrain from using single back ticks for code, in general (inline or block).


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More illustrations of using triple back ticks in both inline and code blocks:

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Thank you Neo for sharing the same, it helps. With screenshot its very clear.

R. Singh

Welcome, single back ticks in inline code sometimes have problems.

Best to avoid them, since triple back ticks work inline as well.

One more GREAT thing I just found out. Remember 1 of my ideas/thoughts were/is to allow notifications of posts. Now if we allow them from our system; it gives/shows notifications on screen which I LOVED it.

Thanks a TON again for moving/migrating site to this NEW MODERN tech.

R. Singh

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You are welcome, Ravinder.

We cannot please everyone, so I'm sure there will be people who do not like certain things.

That's the nature of life.

Glad you like it. I want to either find or build a wide theme as most of these OOTB theme are too narrow for my taste. I also want to improve how markdown works here.

Of course, if anyone wants to write a Discourse plugin to improve the site, they are welcome to do so. Discourse is free and anyone can easily install in a Docker container on just about any computer, and they can write and test a plugin for Discourse and contribute to the community.

For example, maybe someone wants the behavior of markup to be different?

OK... go write a plugin for Discourse. Jump in and make things happen. Share your plugin. That is how things work, right?

Here is a good place to start: