Play Computer Trivia on Telegram

Today, I am releasing a new app I developed this week, Computer Trivia for Telegram.

This is the same trivia as our current forum trivia; however, we are currently keeping the Telegram trivia results / scores in a different DB than the computer trivia played on the web.

If you are already a Telegram messaging app user, all you need to do is search for UNIXForumBot and add this bot; and you are "good to go".

For others, you can easily download Telegram., for Linux, Macs, PCs, Androids and iPhones. It's free. You can play both on your mobile and on. your desktop Telegram app.

Basically, using the bot is self-explanatory. When you connect for the first time, you will see some menu options. You can always get to the main menu with /help . You can press or type in /triv and you are on you way to wasting time and having fun, maybe even learning along the way.

Some notes:

  • You must answer all questions (no skipping) and if you "skip" the system will not serve you another question until you enter a true / false answer.
  • You can only answer once, so if you press /false or /true repeatedly, the bot will inform you "all questions have been answered".
  • You must use a / before each command. It's /help not help , for example.

At the moment, I don't know of any bugs. I have debugged and tested with over 200 questions and answers so far (but only since yesterday), and it is working well so far.

Here are some screenshots. Please post back in this discussion thread if you have any questions.

In addition, I will do a future write-up on how I built this application using Telegram, Node-RED, MySQL and PHP . The Telegram computer trivia questions are the same DB as the main forum trivia questions (over 1000 True/False questions).

I'm not sure how many people will enjoy playing this with Telegram, but let's see. At least try it once, maybe you will like it when you are waiting in line at the store, stuck in traffic, or on the subway! :slight_smile:

Also, I plan to build a scoreboard / leaderboard for this in the future which can be viewed on the main web site, and in part, using the bot.


telegram-desktop on fedora 30

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@nezabudka, thanks for sharing.

When I play on my mac (desktop) it looks like this:

Ok @Neo
I'll try to collect telegram-cli from source


Hello Neo,

Thanks a TON for making this BOT, this is an awesome experience. I played it for 20 mins or so on Telegram.

It is FUN. Appreciate your dedication and hard work here; I wish I could also do this kind of coding someday :slight_smile:

On side note, I think I replied 30 to 40 answers :slight_smile:

R. Singh

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Thanks Ravinder, well at least one person likes it so far :slight_smile: That is good news!

I checked the DB and you have answered 42 questions so far.

If many people start to play, I will create a /score command for the bot to return the total number of questions answered and the % score for that player.


Thanks to a few people starting to play (and nezabudka and Ravinder above), I just added the /score command.

This way, everyone can easily see their overall score (percentage), total correct and total trivia questions answered (Telegram trivia only, does not include any scores / stats from web play).

Now, it should be even more fun :). Scores!!! :slight_smile: LOL

(... and the scores are all "private" at the moment with no plans to create a public scoreboard at this time....)

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For those interested in the tech, here is the start of the tech writeup on this application:

Programming a Telegram Bot Using Node-RED, PHP, and MySQL

Also, FYI, testing has been going great so far 449 questions answered:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(1) from neo_telegram_trivia;
| COUNT(1) |
|      449 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

and so far 1961 interactions with this telegram bot:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(1) from neo_telegram_bot_receiver;
| COUNT(1) |
|     1961 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Thanks all who have been playing and testing so far!


Testing has gone well and this Telegram bot app is working well.

But for now, it looks like few people are using Telegram and not really interested to install Telegram to play computer trivia, at least so far.

If you have not tried it out yet, it is really a great way to kill time when you are stuck in the taxi or waiting in line :slight_smile:

Works well.... and is fun, really!


Disabled the Telegram Trivia Bot


Lack of Interest by Users, No Compelling Reason to Maintain