Plan to Restrict RSS Access by IP Address

Hello Everyone,

We plan to restrict all RSS news feed access soon based on IP address. This means that if you have a website or application that using our site RSS feeds, you can still do it; but your must register you site in this thread.

So please reply with your IP address of your server and we will include your IP address in our approved for RSS feed database.

The reason for this "by IP address" permission only policy is that we are seeing many reports of sites using our RSS feeds to steal content from the site without posting the links back to this site; they are just stealing the content and stripping out all references to this site.

This has been an ongoing problem for many years, and we have considered many solutions, including stopping all RSS services; but instead, we have decided to try a compromise solution where you can pull our RSS feed or feeds to your site; but you must register your IP address in this thread.

Thank you for all your help and understanding!

You are welcome to use our RSS feeds, but please register here in this thread with our IP address and the name of your website, as follows:

Website Using RSS::
IP Address:

We will manually enter your IP address into the database so you will be approved for RSS services.

Thanks again!

Kindly note the effective date when we start the RSS restriction of unregistered IP addresses will be February 1st 2013.

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Website Using RSS:: Bartle Doo
IP Address:
Comments: We introduce and promote Linux by drawing traffic through providing
content of a broad variety and subject matter. Content credit is always given to
the Unix and Linux Forums and to the content author. Direct links back to the
original full article are clear and easily available to viewers.
Any words of advice about how we can do a better job in promoting Linux is always
welcome. As always, thank you for your service.

Website Using RSS::
IP Address:

Glad to see you are finally implementing such restrictions.

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Yes, counting down one more week to code and implement the new policy.

Update: This feature has been implemented.

You can test by attempting to pull this RSS feed:

The "registration thread" has been moved to here (since this feature has been implemented):

Register Here to Permit RSS Access by IP Address

This thread is now closed.

Restricting RSS feeds has shown to be counter productive to our search engine rankings and directly (negatively) impacted traffic.

Therefore, effective immediately, I have removed the RSS restriction.

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