
I tried what u said too...

Its puzzling.. I dont know what???

Its anyway not coming...


hey, does it accept bmp images.
i tried but it did not accept

...read the thread!

neo wrote "Valid extensions are:

gif jpg bmp jpeg (but I've only tried gif and jpg) "

I'm not sure if bmp will work... I know jpgs and gifs work.

When you go to the "Edit Options" page and select "Change Avatar", do you actually see your pic there?

You can use Paint in Windows to edit the file. Make it a *.gif and less than 64 x 64.

Make sure you save as GIF and then use the directions above and then browse to your HD to the location on your system where the file is, and select it.

Then on the "Change Avatar" page, change the selection from NO to YES to pic your Avatar. then save....

BTW, If you can't see your image on the "Change Avatar" page then you can't select it.

My brain is your Brain....

I see this thread is the new Unix chat room now....you'll have $1 soon wtih everyones 2c.....
(oh and Kelam, does your brain want to do my work for me too?)

Seems to be ongoing issue this one - Nisha maybe it's time you let go of the image you've got and found a new one that is jpg of gif. (or at least convert it over). You're at 100 odd posts now.... I think you'll hit 1,000 with the current image before you get it working.

P.S With all this talk about your picture - it better be a good one!
:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah u r right.. I am unable to see my image when i click on Change avatar button.. something is somewhere wrong.. :frowning:


Dont worry, it wouldn't go that bad to 1000 messages... I am confident with you guys that u will all solve my problem.. :stuck_out_tongue:

Growth rate of messages depends on you guys..Let me see who solves my problem.. :wink:

I've now lost my avatar. I was trying to upload other formats and not having much luck...and now I can't upload my original one! I know it's valid because it's been in use for ages.....

I feel your pain now Nisha!

Please Neo - can someone have a look at this - it does seem to be broken!

I go to the edit options and click the 'yes' radio....and put in the path locally...it then tell me thanks for updating...and does nothing. Although it did delete when I told it to do that!!!! GRRR


Oh is it Peter...

Then i think no one would be able to upload their avatars..

Only the existing ones are always showing...

You realise I'm blaming you for this!! :stuck_out_tongue:

We will be upgrading vBulletin to the lastest releases in the next week or so, perhaps that will help.

Take it easy, it is just an avatar in a free forum.....

But peter,

I didn't ask u to do such kind of a check from your pc.. :cool:

Good point that! Perhaps just clarifying that this isn't a 'user problem'.

avatar uploading is working fine if you follow the conditions specified. image size less than 7K and 64x64 pixels. but .bmp extension does not work.

If BMPs don't work as avatars, simply upload GIFs and JPEGs of the correct size and contact vBulletin and let them know of your concerns:

My suggestion is to wait until we upgrade, because we are behind a few minor revisions.

Best Regards, Neo

Mine is a GIF and works fine. I thought that was the only format allowed?


Mine is a GIF too......

I think the safe thing to do is to upload GIF files :wink:

My Avatar (which is actually a self portrait! :)) is a GIF as well.


Any updates on uploading the avatars.. can u tell me when the upgrade is taking place...

curiosity... :stuck_out_tongue:
that is all..


You will see the version change at the bottom of the page when the version changes. Don't ask when I'll upgrade, thanks. Have no idea.....

This is a free forum...... so relax :slight_smile: