Php localhost/ directories show ?? ICONS

I have been troubleshooting a couple of problems all day that have to do with this all day. I do not know if you need to know the code I used in php but if you do I will post it.

I hope that you can see the .pngs.

Thanks ahead of time.

Using phpMyAdmin and creating files.... somehow during the day I corrupted something in My Index Tree Structure which is now incorrect - not working.

When I type in the url:


I get the following directory; indexOf.png
But I expect to get 'It works.'

When I click on the folder phpWithAlex (the one I am working within today)
all of the directories have ?? marks as icons; indexOfphpWithAlex.png

note: when i type in the url localhost/~shortname
I still get the expected 'My Site Works'

Sorting this out is important and I appreciate the help.

Those attached images are nearly impossible to read.

Please post the relevant information as text with code tags in the forums. Thanks.

Thanks. This is holding me up quite a bit. I have searched on line.
I was troubleshooting something using Apache yesterday.
Now my index directory tree is showing ? ? ? ? icons.

url: 301 Moved Permanently
browser window output:
index of /


I click on phpWithAlex.
browser window output:
Index of /phpWithAlex.

? anotherPage.php
? anotherpage2.php
? echo.php
? errorReporting.php
? file.php
? index.php
? index2.php
? names.txt
[DIR] nbproject
? oldIndex.php
? phpFileTree.php
? renamed_index.php
? setSessions.php
? unsetSessions.php
? view.php

The original post has screenshots which are difficult to read but if you zoom in you will be able to see the ??marks to the left of the files.