Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.4 command


I'm inquiring because I have a question about the OSC 4.4 command.

cldg set -p localonly=true dsk/d0

What does this command mean?

Below is the cluster DID device.

=== Cluster DID Devices ===

Device Instance            Node                 Status
---------------            ----                 ------
/dev/did/rdsk/d2           sj-cluster1          Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d3           sj-cluster1          Ok
                           sj-cluster2          Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d4           sj-cluster1          Ok
                           sj-cluster2          Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d6           sj-cluster2          Ok

/dev/did/rdsk/d7           sj-cluster1          Ok
                           sj-cluster2          Ok


According to the documentation here:

cldg - Oracle Solaris Cluster

the purpose of the localonly property is:

You'll generally find the Oracle on-line documentation will explain what each command and flag does quite well, for the most part.

Hope this helps !

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Often in a cluster, the disk volume that a node boots from is not configured to move to another node if the system fails, I e. It remains local.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

The cldg set command is used to set various properties of a cluster device group (CDG) in the Oracle for Oracle Solaris Cluster (DSC). The -p flag is used to specify a property and its value, and in this case, the property being set is localonly with a value of true. The final argument, dsk/d0, specifies the CDG to which the property is being set.

It appears that the CDG being referred to in this command is dsk/d0. This command sets the localonly property of the dsk/d0 CDG to true. The localonly property controls whether the devices in the CDG can be accessed from only the local node, or from all nodes in the cluster. Setting this property to true means that the devices in the dsk/d0 CDG can only be accessed from the local node.

The output you provided lists several cluster DID devices, but it does not appear to include a device named dsk/d0. It is possible that dsk/d0 is the name of a CDG that is not listed in the output you provided, or that there is some other context that is not included in the information you have provided.

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