Operation and Maintenance

I gurus of Solaris,
I need to do a Procedure concerning in the Maintenance of Solaris Server.
What are the parameters that I must be see Periodically in a Server.
For example the space I (df -h) must be each week.- In this server exist a Database aplication (Oracle), and log's that increase or sature the space
The Process (top) two see the proceess that are running in this moment,
What other parameters I must be check?
If you have a Link where I can see as a Reference, please send me the Link


If you have no other performance monitoring software on this system then enable sar performance logging in the sys user's crontab, that way you can see how the CPU and memory usage are going and how I/O is responding.

My personal vote for monitoring software is Zabbix

If you have Oracle on the box then you should be checking your transaction/redo logs mount often (depending on size). You should also be checking table extents often (unless autogrow is enabled); in any case you want to keep an eye on the mounts that the indices and data reside on.

What is the box? Is it running meta devices or Veritas RAID's? I'd be checking those often as well. I'd also be checking /var/adm/messages often. Also, prtdiag is also worth keeping an eye on. iostat & vmstat can give you some good info. as well about the health of your CPU and disks

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You might like (free) Zabbix.

We use it for monitoring this site.