Openindiana live FireXXX not running

Got Openindiana live booted (jack’d :grin:)
Find that Firefox does not run in the live kernel, nor Thunderbird. But I can IM chat like a punk all day.
Anything known about Firefox under live?

Not looking to update the internal drive until the live environment looks right.

Happy for advice. Much thanks.

So what happens?? Error message? Hang? Or what?

Booted up to gnome desktop from live disk.
Ran ddu from the desktop.

The applications show in the task bar but no window shows.
I added the x option on the nvidia X server settings and it looks like it still does the same thing.


If you bring up an xterm window and try running Firefox from the shell prompt by just typing firefox on its own, do you then see any error messages or informational text that might explain what is going on ? Sometimes running a browser in a terminal rather than via the GUI shell can help you get to the bottom of things such as this, since normally it'll show quite a bit of informational text in the terminal while the browser runs in the foreground (or tries to, as the case may be).

I didn’t recognize the live as a mini. Dweeb weenie newbies are like that.

Lots of features for a mini but Firefox isn’t built. I expect irc is loaded for getting installation help from strangers who can use you to hack assets that would get them caught.

You are right. It just plain doesn't work. I've just tried OpenIndiana 'Live' DVDs dated 20210430 and 20221123. Neither of them will run Firefox in 'Live' mode.

OI forums say that you must have at least 6GB RAM for it to work but I tried it on a system with 96GB RAM and it still didn't work.

I cannot see how to resolve this from searching online (yet) but it gets mentioned in a few places.

So it's not you. It's a known bug.


pkg really chugs. I have grown cobwebs waiting for an hplip solution to build. Still anticipating a successful install. I recall simply using Sys5 utilities rather than bsd just because of bad make cleanups, unavailability or other concerns. Also recall some rather unexpected side effects with unhappy groff users and the like. Then again anyone who prefers groff deserves to be mocked and taunted. I would rather work on an encapsulated postscript gilded cage apple failure box than face a groff execution.

And … no! “This is an internal error in pkg(5) version c95b6f0a.” Looks like I will have a new thread on a failed hplip install.

More to Come.

If you're looking for an Illumos distirbution that uses the original Solaris 2.x package management methods (pkgadd, pkginfo, etc.) then you'll want to look at Tribblix, rather than OpenIndiana. Tribblix is a distro that aims to be as close to the old-school early Solaris experience as it can. It's a one-man effort maintained by a single developer, and his main goal is to make as "traditional" and light-weight a system as possible. I don't believe it offers a Live boot image to try before you install however, so you'd have to install it to actually try it.

So what package management is meant to be on OpenIndiana?

Or is this the main reason for the dead end, the Dos 4.3 make garbage can effect once more successfully fouling a Unix branch development. Bill win/:s

OpenIndiana uses IPS, the Image Packaging System. This is the system that you're using with the pkg command, and is the same package management system used on Oracle Solaris 11 itself. I believe it was originally conceived of as part of the first versions of OpenSolaris, but I could be mistaken there.

In any case, many Illumos distros have gone with that because that's the package management method now used by the parent OS, and therefore it makes their job a bit easier going forward. But Tribblix has stuck with SVR4 Solaris 2.x-style package management, and is likely to continue to do so in the future I would say.

You wouldn’t be that singular trouble with Tribblix developer, by chance?
Is my one broken antennae with the listening ear inside showing?

Can you then identify how SUNWppm is not an available package although it is identified as the print protocol manager on OI?

I know that’s more than one question so I am adding pretzel s pro quo …. :pretzel: :pretzel: :pretzel:
That requires something with which to wash ‘em down. :beer:

The packages on OpenIndiana won't use SVR4-style SUNW... names. The IPS package naming schema is quite different, and is more path-like (and intended to be more human-readable). It's all very Yum-like, essentially.

From a quick search on the OpenIdiana package repository site, I think the package you're after is "print/lp/print-manager". You can find the page for the latest version of this package here for your information, though you should be able to install it via pkg as normal:

For HP inkjet support specifically, there is also apparently the "print/filter/hplip" package.

And as for myself: I'm no developer, no, though I did run Tribblix as my primary laptop OS for a few years a while back, and found it to work very well for what I was after.

I don’t have enough pretzels for you!? You are a great help. I must go out and buy a box.

Your last reply seems to keep the thread on this trajectory - so no new thread for hplip.

I can provide all the Py failure notices and the core interjection identified on the install run.
But I did get a success on package update which identified hplip as up to date.
So, the errors are probably more informative on the high synch rates I can get from my IOS phone to the IO desktop than on anything directly relevant to the printer model.

I have the printer connected to the usb port which it is on with the foomatic descriptor file for the printer. But the interface at the printer is showing this - driver "unknown." The lpr driver should likely be identified. Not certain if this condition which leaves the printer unusable is at the print server interface or at the parsing of the foomatic class.

Any ideas on a fix for this printer connection?

node name: interface
binding name: interface
devfs path: /pci@0,0/pci10de,cb84@2,1/device@4/interface
compatible name: (usbif3f0,8711.100.config1.0)(usbif3f0,8711.config1.0)(usbif3f0,,,classff)(usbif,,,classff)
driver name: unknown
interface: 0
compatible: usbif3f0,8711.100.config1.0
reg: 0
assigned-address: 2

Ang the printer class from foomatic:

node name: printer
binding name: usbif,class7.1
devfs path: /pci@0,0/pci10de,cb84@2,1/device@4/printer@1
bus addr: 1
compatible name: (usbif3f0,8711.100.config1.1)(usbif3f0,8711.config1.1)(usbif3f0,class7.1.2)(usbif3f0,class7.1)(usbif3f0,class7)(usbif,class7.1.2)(usbif,class7.1)(usbif,class7)
driver name: usbprn
instance: 0
driver state: Attached
pm-components: NAME= usbprn0 Power
driver-minor: 0
driver-major: 2
interface: 1
compatible: usbif3f0,8711.100.config1.1
reg: 1
assigned-address: 2

I find nothing on IOCTL nor ECPP in the OI repository.
Could be l missed it, or something with "sys5v" naming is used?
Perhaps there is a library that is not obvious to me?

There is some discussion on printer install in the manual at printer install.
Since most of it is not what needed to be done at the current release.
Well, it appears to all be a bit archaic. Probably a joke to state that about OI.

Maybe OI is a good second boot for a dual boot into a Linux flavor with more enthusiasts?

Is USBECM and dropping the ipp protocol a way forward with a working solution?
Is it possible and will the "zone" parameters then ever be nestled in the foomatic blender?

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have no real experience with setting up printing from Solaris or Illumos. From what I know the default printing subsystem on Solaris 11 these days (and therefore on most Illumos distributions now as well) is CUPS, the same as you find in most Linux distros, and so in theory it should work in broadly the same manner. You may have better luck focussing on the CUPS packages and going from there. But printing isn't something I've done from a UNIX-style OS for some time, so unfortunately I don't have any specific tips or hints to offer really.

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