Obtaining Security Clearance

I'm looking to move down to the Baltimore, MD area and have been looking for a job for about a week. Many of the opportunities require some form of security clearance, because many of the jobs are government work.

My question is how do I go about obtaining the proper clearance? I'm a U.S. citizen, so that clears one hurdle I guess, but does anyone have any tips?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Here is an article that you may find interesting... Interviewing with the NSA

If you don't have a current clearance and are not a government employee, you will have to be sponored by a company with a facilities clearance. The rules of security clearances for industrial security are governed by the NISPOM, managed by DSS (www.dss.mil) (unless things have changed recently).

Everything you need to know is here:


Also Click Here....

As Neo has said the company will sponsor you.

Ok here's what would happen:

  • You get the job
  • You fill out like 300m high pile of paper work, they'll want to know how many times you go to the crapper per day, do you pick your nose etc
  • Then you get it all signed by your work
  • then you get it all signed again 3-6 months later, yes the same papers. Why? Because they employer can not sign the paper until you have been there for 3 months or more.
  • Then you sit back wait a long time for them to give you your clearance. (took me 12 months for it & that was before 9/11, now it takes about 18 months)

All time frames are different depending on WHO does your paper work, how many times it gets lost!!! (not joking), and if you tell the truth.

The process I told you is a rough guide line for in Australia. Shouldn't differ to much, maybe your time frames differ but they will want to know EVERYTHING about you :slight_smile:

Here is the main part of the NISPOM that applies to PCLs:

Thanks for the reference material everyone. It looks to be a long, arduos process if I do find something that requires clearance.

It's really no big deal, but if you don't have a PCL, other job candiates with active clearances will have a competitive advantage.

Sometimes people take a job they don't like, just to get sponsored for a PCL, and then after they get the PCL, move on.

Naturally, the higher the more valuable; but also more work and headache. Secret and below are mostly verified from databases and are taking 18 - 24 months, due to the backlog. Above Secret requires face-to-face interviews and can take even longer.