Number of days in month from certain parameters, c programming request.

I have an issue in date processing, the issue is I have a month as an int ( 1 - 12 ), the weekday as int ( 0 - 6 , 0 = Sunday), and the week day in month as int ( 0 - 5, 5 = last ex: first sunday, last monday, third tuesday ... ), now from those three parameters is there a possible way to calculate the number of days since the start of this month ( ex: 23 days has passed from the start of this month for the given parameters ).
Please, if anyone knows a way to do it tell me.
ex: the date of the current day is 26 08 2010
the given data is: month = 8, weekday = 4 thursday, and weekday of month = 3 4th thursday. And from these three data pieces the result is 26 days passed since the start of month #8 of the current year.

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Here is a solution which works for the ksh93 shell



mstr=(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec)
dstr=(sun mon tue wed thu fri sat)
wstr=(1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th)

dom=$(printf "%(%d)T\n" "${wstr[$wom]} ${dstr[$dow]} ${mstr[$month - 1]} ${year}")

printf "Day of month is: $dom\n"