So if you are looking to how many cores this lpar has access (as the physical cpu's are shared) the answer is : 1 core, also called i physical cpu or 1 virtual cpu. Because you are using SMT mode 4 it means that 4 threads of execution can run in parallel on that single core. AIX needs to schedule a thread on a cpu this is why the 1 virtual cpu gives us 4 logical ones. If you run a workload you are entitled to 0.2 meaning that you will always receive 0.2 physical cpu's worth of time even if the shared pool is very busy. When there are enough free cycles in the shared pool, your setup can utilize op to 1.0 physical CPU (so 500% of entitlement). Also note that in the current setup even though your are uncapped you are actually "Capped" by the 1 virtual cpu (1 virtual cpu cannot use more then 1.0 physical cpu).