Newbie welcome page?

Neo, I have seen quite a few newbies on their first post, who don't search the site, asking where to go and how to get started.

This irks me a little as I know it does many that newbies don't understand that they can do some work on their own before asking that question partially because they don't know where to go. (As if they can't read the home page and don't understand that you go to the FAQ when you first visit a new forum site.)

I have a suggestion that shouldn't take too much on your part. How about setting up a "Newbie Welcome FAQ Page". When they login and then again for say their first 5 posts. They will be redirected to a "Newbie" page. It could be as simple as redirecting them to the FAQ page or having an opening letter from you, or simply a one page memo stating the rules and a "how to" to navigate and search.

I don't know how easy/difficult this would be for you, but it certainly would cut down on these posts that ask "Glad to be here and How do I get started?"

Here is a good example that makes my point. regarding linux

Just a suggestion from a loyal poster!!

:smiley: :wink:

I agree - anyone who posts regularly for more than a few days sees too many posts with the same questions repeated.

I think Kalam's idea is a good one - force new users to view the information. There's a reminder to check the FAQ at the top of the main page, but it's small - what's needed is an 'intro' page of sorts..

Maybe a welcome message like Kalam said.. then links..

Welcome to the forums. blah blah blah...

If you would like to know how to use this site, check out the FAQs...
If you would like to download Linux or Unix, click here for sites to download from...
If you're looking for reference books relating to Linux or Unix, here are some recommendations...

If you cannot find the answer to your question above, search the site to see if your question was already asked by another user - this is the next fastest way to find the information you're seeking...

If you still do not find what you're looking for, then post your question once in the appropriate forum so that other users can try to help you...

Great Idea. I wish I had time to implement this good suggestion, but I don't, to be honest.

If you have time, you might find 'a hack' for vBulletin where this is already done, or something similar on the official vBulletin 'hack site' :

Search around on this site:

If you find something that fits your idea, please let me know and I'll try to find time to install.

Please keep in mind that vBulletin hacks are wiped out each time vB is upgraded, so I try to keep hacks to an absolute minimum. We actually need to upgrade vB because we are a few minor revs behind.... Neo

Do you think this hack would be usable?

Forum Home Enhancements
>> Dynamic Announcements: Programmable Forum Home Announcement/Message with conditionals

Link to hack

Looks like what you'd need to make the welcome page:

(Quote from

This hack allows you to post powerful dynamic announcements (changing according to different conditions) on forum home page. It differs from vbulletin's default announcements in 2 ways:

The announcement is displayed in forum home page (or other board pages), not inside thread view. So visitors will read them without clicking on them.

The Hack's announcements are not static: ie. they can be powerfully programmed to change themselves according to many conditions.

I agree. There are lot of repeat questions/Threads.

Here is an suggestion!!!

Whenever an user types and posts question, would it possible for to search for contents(As it does in Search), display the previous relevant posts, threads and FAQs.

If user is not satisfied with the results, then he can go ahead and post it in the forum.

Okay, here is something that may be easier.

Why not direct new users to their "user cp" page instead of the "home" which would then contain what it does now and also have the info we stated above?

This would prevent you from having to create a new page. You can just modify that "user cp" page.

I'll keep looking for other similar coded pages. I know of one for Everquest that uses the same model you use on this site.
