New Category: "Under Review"

Today we have a new category called "Under Review".

Here is the draft description for this new category:

This category is for topics:

  1. Where the original poster has not shown any effort and other users have provided code solutions when the original poster has not shown any of their work.
  2. Where the original posts is suspected to be homework which has not be declared as homework.
  3. Any other topics where are under review by the moderation team and staff.

These topics remain visible to all users but only the staff can reply until the topic category is changed.

One of the main reasons for this category is so topics will not "disappear" from everyone's view when under review.

Note to Staff Members:

Please change the category to "Under Review" when you deem appropriate.

Note to Users:

Please check this category if your post has "disappeared" from the original category you selected.

Note to Everyone:

Below is an example of how we will use this new category. In this case, the original poster has posted a question without posting any of their own work or effort to solve their problem / issue. However, despite the OP not showing any effort, code, attempt to solve their own problem, etc. a number our very helpful members have already written code for them:

We will be announcing a formal rule prohibiting members writing code solutions for users who do not show their own work or attempts; and who do not specify basic system details when they post a question in the future.

Thank you for your understanding. Comments welcome.

Note: We can change the name of this new category as time goes by if another name is better.